Placement Review 624-05-15-80-05

(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)

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Children in foster care in North Dakota will continue to be reviewed by the committee/team on a quarterly basis subsequent to the first permanency planning committee meeting (where the case plan is developed) within the first 30 days of initial placement.


Periodic permanency planning/team reviews at three-month intervals are required for all children and documented in CCWIPS as Permanency Planning Committee Progress Report/Single Plan of Care. The three-month review requirement is dictated by the ASFA mandates to move children into permanent situations, and to help agencies meet the various ASFA deadlines, such as permanency hearings. It is anticipated that the result of this emphasis on planning and services to foster children will result in shortened times in foster care and diminished recidivism.


The periodic permanency-planning requirement does not substitute for monthly reviews of the case by the case manager and supervisor.